"If you don't have the content, the technology to access it doesn't help." From Opening Remarks of LSC President Jim Sandman at the 2019 Innovations in Technology Conference.
SCLS project attorneys spent 2 years planning, collaborating and learning to create Learn the Law online classrooms with a Technology Innovation Grant from LSC. The presenter will share the evolution of these five classrooms to be officially launched in March 2019. The audience will "Meet Clark" our animated character that introduces each classroom with a 4 minute "How To" video. The classroom subjects are
•Debt Collection Defense in S.C. Summary Court
•Getting Your Landlord to Make Repairs in S.C.
•Unemployment Benefits Appeals in S.C.
•The ABC’s of Guardianship in S.C.
•Filing for an Order of Protection in S.C.
Technology can be challenging and even overwhelming for some. But if you open your eyes and jump right in, you may surprise yourself. The presentation will demonstrate how the marriage of technology and content makes for great collaboration and eventually a great product. The story of this experience demonstrates how to change the minds of those who say "I'm not really a tech person".
Attendees will walk away with an understanding of 1) how content and collaboration are the key to a great product when it comes to legal tech just as much as the technology itself, and 2) the importance of a diverse group with wide ranging skills and interests when creating a classroom and how to gather such a group.