Keynote Session


Thursday, June 6

9:00 am - 10:30 am EST


The Education Conundrum: Teach as you were Taught, OR Teach for the Future?

There is no denying that technologies of the 21st century have changed the way individuals think, complete a wide array of tasks, including how humans acquire and attend to the vast amount of information that is readily available on wearable and portable hand-held devices. So why is it that some in education continue to employ classroom practices that are reminiscent of the 1780s when the American system of education was first envisioned? The educational arena, as chronicled by Rudolph and Thelin, continues to evolve with technology playing a significant role given that these tools are an integral part of our students’ everyday lives. What does the educational future look like for teachers and students? Research taking place on two fronts—imagining and ePedagogy research—offers a window not only into how the brain works and responds to external stimuli but also how technology can be leveraged to enhance teaching and learning. Change in one’s practice is inevitable and should be ongoing. And further, careful selection of the best tools married to the best educational practices are needed to make our work with students relevant and timely.


Dave Yearwood, is a Professor in the School of Entrepreneurship. He was a Graduate Director in two disciplines (Technology and the Ph.D. program in Teaching and Learning) and also the past chair of the Technology Department at the University of North Dakota. Dave has been teaching in higher education for 30 years, first at a Community College and for the last 22 years at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Yearwood’s two research interests are: Electronic Pedagogy—the purposeful use of technological tools in education to enhance teaching and learning; and the study of control or semi-automatic/automatic systems for use in commercial and/or consumer settings.

Dr. Yearwood was presented with the outstanding teacher award in the College of Business and Public Administration (CoBPA) on two occasions, and he also earned the coveted combined Teaching, Service, and Scholarship award (CoBPA). In 2009 Dave was one of four professors recognized nationally by the Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) as Outstanding Professor in the areas of Teaching, Research, and Service.
